Mass installing unattended access on multiple remote machines
You can install unattended access on multiple remote computers at once with a single psexec command.
- Run the Expert application
- Go to My Account → Downloads and download the Unattended Access Setup file to a folder of your choice.
Run the following command line in the Windows Command Prompt:
psexec \\win2012g1, win2012g2, win2012g3 -i -s -c -v -h -w c:\windows\temp "c:\tmp\FixMeit Unattended Access Setup.exe"
where win2012g1, win2012g2 and win2013 are the names or ip addresses of the computers, -i -s -c- -v -h -w are the psexec command parameters, and "c:\your-folder\FixMeit Unattended Access Setup.exe" is the file location on your local machine.
It is not required to store the file in a shared location, as it will be copied to all remote machines during the command execution.
An .msi package for mass installing unattended access is available with our new remote support solution, SetMe.