Sharing Unattended Client list with another technician while keeping specific machines private

Last updated on Feb 15, 2024

The following workaround allows you to maintain a shared Unattended Client list with other technicians on your team, while keeping specific machines (e.g. your own unattended workstation) private:

  1. Configure all unattended computers that you wish to keep private under your own login.
  2. Let other technicians do the same if they have certain machines that they do not want to include in the shared list.
  3. Create an additional login for your account and share its login details with the team.
  4. Use the new login to install all unattended machines that you would like to share with other technicians.

The entire team can now also access all shared unattended machines from the shared login.

You can manage shared/private unattended access permissions for individual machines through a web portal with our new remote support solution, SetMe